Our Recent Efforts in Mexico

Lightshine continues to come alongside young adults who lived their teen years in an orphanage.  At age 18, the government of Mexico requires that teenagers vacate their residence (in an orphanage) and find a place to live.  Choices are limited for these kids:  sadly – often their ‘choice’ is to live on the street or find ‘housing’ with a gang.  Lightshine helps launch teens by providing educational opportunities.

At the close of 2023 Lightshine committed to provide tuition for college for orphans who had no home and who lacked job skills or an opportunity to have a university education. 

In early 2024 we were able to fund college education for 10 young adults…  each one was age 18 or older.  We are working in Mexico to make sure that in addition to having an education our teens have mentors to help them navigate their transition to adulthood. Our first 10 kids are pictured above (right-side photo)

In September 2024 we facilitated three more girls to attend college (see above photo at left)  Sahori was accepted at the Universidad de Mexicali, where she studies law.  Andriana and Sheila both dream of becoming school teachers (see upper-left photo with the two girls who are dressed in identical ‘camisas’).  They both attend a university in Tijuana.  These ‘kids’ are like family to us.  We make periodic trips to see them in Mexico, most recently from October 15-24.  We plan another visit prior to the winter holidays.  We have taken many teams from the U.S.  In the near future we hope to sponsor Spanish-speaking mentors to help our girls heal from their childhood traumas; to find God’s love, joy & peace.

Many of you receiving this update have walked with us for years. 

Blessings & grace to you!

– Paul & Grisela

Mexico Project – Transition Home

THE NEED:  Since 2018, Lightshine has been caring for the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of children at an orphanage in La Gloria, Mexico (Ninos Co Fe). Mexico, like most countries, does not allow children 18 and over to reside at an orphanage. This issue is called ‘aging out’. Caring for orphans requires proactive planning for career and job training and for an alternative to returning to homelessness, drugs, gangs & the street.

In recent months two 18 year-old boys at Ninos Con Fe have ‘aged out’ (Hugo & Pedro). Several others will turn 18 in 2022. Ninos Con Fe has been given land (20 minutes walk) to develop as a training center/transition home. Hugo & Pedro are camping out, there.

A SOLUTION:   A job training center (lower level) & A transition home (2nd story).

We have an opportunity to build a two-story residential building near the orphanage. The bottom level will house a training facility (barber shop; auto mechanics; perhaps welding). The second story will be a residence for up to 13 teens and 2 house parents. 

Phase One-  Completion of the bottom floor of the present structure by a combination of paid labor (a concrete contractor) and volunteer labor (5 of the teens who will live in the house and 2 adults from the orphanage staff).  Target date: Completion in April 2022.

Phase Two-  Construction of the 2nd story by a Lightshine mission team by steel framing (wood is too expensive/ termite issues). The team will consist of the nucleus of our 2019 Methow Valley construction team and a few others. We will mentor (and be assisted by) older teens who will learn construction skills.  Target date:    May 4 – 12 2022


1. There is an immediate (and growing), significant need to provide housing for boys who have “aged out” of the orphanage (turned 18, or soon to turn 18)

2. A building site has been donated to Ninos Con Fe (10 minute drive; 20 minute walk). We arranged for an engineer & a concrete contractor to visit the site and advise us. The project is viable!  An initial blueprint was drafted and has been sent to Mexico.

3.  Stepping out in faith, we have begun Phase One. Five teens from the orphanage are laboring with the concrete contractor. Phase One should be complete by March 31.

4.  Starting Phase Two is contingent upon receiving sufficient donations to purchase building materials.  Please donate today!


Our goal for 2022 is to develop a transition home for orphans 18 years and older. We continue to establish apprenticeships and to secure funds for college and job training, preparing the older children at Niños con Fé for their eventual adult livelihoods.


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Donation Total: $1.00

On the Horizon – 2021

In April 2021, Lightshine will send a team of four from the State of Washington to Mexico. Their goal is two-fold:

  1. Set up a dental clinic for the 40 children at Niños con Fe and
  2. To map out the steps for an apprenticeship program for older teens


Our goal for 2022 is to develop a transition home for orphans 18 years and older. We continue to establish apprenticeships and to secure funds for college and job training, preparing the older children at Niños con Fé for their eventual adult livelihoods.


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Donation Total: $1.00