Roger Lageschulte
Board Member
Roger, formerly an attorney, and Paul have been closely associated professionally and spiritually for decades. Roger did the legal work for the incorporation of Lightshine and prepared the application to the IRS for 501(c)(3) status, He has served as a board member since the date of incorporation, and as its secretary until a year ago. Roger and his wife, Lee, can look back to visible evidence of the hand of God on their lives. They met as freshmen at a Christian liberal arts college when they were assigned to the same section of a required freshman class called, “Building Your Marriage.” In June, 2018, they will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary. While Lee has served as a lecture leader in Women’s Bible Study Fellowship, Roger’s activities have been in applying his legal skills to the incorporation of several congregations, and providing advice to others in major transactions such as buying property for growing congregations. In January 2018, Roger retired from a legal career that spanned five decades.